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i hate sheep's end
 grunge is dead

ashes, ashes, we all want to be famous

welcome to the official sheep's end home page.  as you probably know, the band is currently separated while we all take care of personal business.  but look for us again in early 2002.  until then you can all satisfy your boredom and curiosity at this site.  we appreciate your devotion to the band (if you are actually looking at this site then you are obviously a devoted fan) and hope that you are as anxious as we are for the band to start playing again.  until next time, i'll see you soon, i love my life, thank you and goodnight.

this site contains an excessvely large amount of completely useless information.  also, because there are so many rare photographs on this site, pages may load extremely slowly.  there may be a few dead links here or there - sorry, deal with it.

if you are reading this then you are smarter then the average internet user.  always remember to highlight the entire page to reveal secret messages.  have fun.